Joon YOO
Korean artist works and lives in Paris
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EN :
"Art is that thing that floats and tries to find its place." (Sophia Al Maria, Tender Point Ruin, 2021)
The desire to seek freedom is the driving force behind my creation. To concretely achieve social emancipation and live freely despite my bodily and social limitations, creation has become paramount thanks to its process: questioning, research, observation, reflection, execution, and dialogue.
My work is deeply connected to the concepts of time and space. According to Saint Augustine, the present time moves towards non-being since it is in constant motion.
With delicacy, I grasp this movement that animates the world and society, and in my own way, I seek to shape time differently, freeing it from its systematic and mechanical dimension.
I hope that my pieces generate vibrations, giving birth to openings, elasticity, freedom, and changes within the normative structures of time. I believe in the power of insignificant movement, like mechanical vibrations and those of natural elements, which energize the organization of the world.
From drawing to performance, following my reflection and listening to my current needs, I hope that in the end, my work becomes a single poetry, a narrative of memories, the sum of moments.
FR :
“L’art est cette chose
qui flotte et qui essaie de trouver sa place.”
(Sophia Al Maria, Tender Point Ruin, 2021)
Le désir de chercher la liberté est le moteur de ma création. Pour arriver concrètement à l’émancipation sociale et vivre librement malgré ma limite corporelle et sociale, la création est devenue primordiale grâce à son processus:
le questionnement, les recherches, l’observation, la réflexion, l’exécution et le dialogue.
Mon travail est très connecté à la question du temps et l’espace. Selon Saint Augustin, le temps présent s’achemine vers le non-être puisqu’il est en mouvement permanent.
En toute délicatesse, je saisi à ce mouvement qui anime le monde et la société, et à ma manière, je cherche à façonner le temps différemment à l’affranchir de sa dimension systématique et mécanique.
Je souhaite que mes pièces génèrent des vibrations, donnent naissance à des ouvertures, des élasticités, des libertés et des changements au sein des structures normatives du temps.
Je crois la puissance du mouvement insignifiant comme les vibrations mécaniques et celles des éléments naturels qui dynamisent à l’organisation du monde.
De dessin à la performance, en suivant ma réflexion et en écoutant mes besoins du moment,
je souhaite qu’à la fin, mon travail ne fasse qu’une seule poésie, un récit de souvenirs, l’ensemble des instants.
Game of Youth (Two pages of daily), 2023
Digital print on blue reverse paper, 80X100cm,
for original daiary:mixed media on daily book, 2006
12, 2023 - 07, 2024: Artist residency at Atelier Medicis, Création en Cours
Artist Residencies
11, 2022 - 10, 2022: Mains d’Oeuvres, Saint-Ouen
09, 2020 - 07, 2021: Fondation Fiminco, Romainville, France
Solo and Duo Exhibitions
10, 2023: Duo show with Tania Gheerbrant, Mains d’Oeuvres, Saint-Ouen
10, 2023: Vortex Flower, 76,420 rue Bosnie, Saint-Gilles, Brussels, Belgium, invited by Michel François
08, 2018: In a Relationship, Galerie du Crous, Paris, France
Group Exhibitions
03, 2024: Collective Exhibition, at Le Doc with support from Fondation de France
06, 2023: Collective Exhibition, Tour d’Orion, Montreuil
01, 2023: Lieu Sentimental, Longue Vue, île Saint-Denis
10, 2022: Salon de Montrouge, invited by the salon with the collective in.plano
10, 2022: Eco..Eco..Eco.., collective exhibition at Galerie Dohyang Lee in Paris
05, 2022: Same Dream May Be Not, collective exhibition, In Plano, île Saint-Denis
11, 2021: Floating l, In Plano, île Saint-Denis
07, 2021: Pleins Feux, Fondation Fiminco, Romainville, France
05, 2021: Freedom of Sleep, Fondation Fiminco, Romainville, France
04, 2021: Printemps, Fondation Fiminco, Romainville, France
07, 2020: Do it, Digital Festival organized by Théâtre du Chaillot and Beaux-Arts de Paris
06, 2020: Le pouvoir se charge de vous II, Galerie Jeune Création, Romainville, France
11, 2019: El Bueno, El Malo y El Feo, Galerie du Crous, Paris, France
09, 2019: Roaming, l’espace Niemeyer, Paris, France
04, 2019: Emerging Line, Paris, Berlin, Wrocław and Riga, KUNSTRAUM POTSDAMER STRASSE, Berlin, Germany
05, 2018: Then a Moment Passed and All Was Changed, Chapel of Resurrection, Skogskyrkog(rden, Stockholm, Sweden
11, 2017: Drawing Festival, Art District P, Pusan, South Korea
07, 2017: 67th Annual Exhibition Jeune Création, Thaddaeus Ropac Paris, Pantin, France
10, 2015: 5th La Jeune Création Finalist, L’Atelier Blanc, Moulin des Arts, Saint-Rémy, France
04, 2014: Palèmètrobo #5, Conversation, Palais Jacques-Coeur, Bourges, France
01, 2014: Palèmètrobo #4, Je Me Soucis de Vous, Palais Jacques-Coeur, Bourges, France
04, 2013: Palèmètrobo #3, L’Objet Manquant, Palais Jacques -Coeur, Bourges, France
08, 2023: Showing Up, Tour d’Orion, Montreuil
05, 2021: Performance Freedom of Sleep, Fondation Fiminco, Romainville, France
09, 2019: Performance Day, Roaming, Paris, France
05, 2019: En Cas de Pluie, Friche Network and Jeune Création, 75018 Paris, France
07, 2018: Art as Experiment Performing the School, collaboration with Tokyo University of the Arts and École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Indoor Stone Garden Heaven Sogetsu Kaikan, Tokyo, Japan
07, 2017: Performance Day, Annual Jeune Création Exhibition, Thaddaeus Ropac Paris, Pantin, France
05, 2014: Performance Day, École Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Bourges, Bourges, France
Video Projections
06, 2023: Univers Memory, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, Paris
2023: Société Générale Collection
Private Collections: 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023
2024: Master's degree final examination jury, École Supérieure d'Art de Clermont Métropole
2018: Member of the selection committee for the 68th annual Jeune Création group show, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, France
Public Commissions
06, 2016: Un Jour, mural painting, artistic realizations in hospital environments, commissioned by Centre Hospitalier Jacques Coeur de Bourges, Bourges, France
09, 2015: ME WE, ephemeral monumental installation, Parvis de la Cathédrale Saint Étienne, Bourges, commissioned by the City of Bourges, Bourges, France
Curatorial Project
05, 2022: Same Dream May Be Not, collective exhibition, In Plano, île Saint-Denis, co-curated by Emma Passera
Awards and Assistance
2023: Received production support from the Association of Friends of the Beaux-Arts Paris
2018: Received financial support for off-site exhibitions from the Korean Cultural Center, Paris
2017: Jennifer Flay Prize, awarded by Jeune Création Association, Paris
2008: Special Brand Prize, Fashion Design Contest, Korea Society of Clothing and Textile, Seoul
2018 - 2019: DNSAP, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, France
2016 - 2018: DNAP, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, France
2014 - 2015: DNSEP, École Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Bourges, Bourges, France
2003 - 2008: Master's in French Literature, Duksung Women's University, Seoul, Korea